SERIES - How to Install MuleSoft Runtime Fabric on OpenShift Dedicated in AWS

Mulesoft Runtime Fabric is constantly evolving with the final goal of making it available for all K8s distributions supported by the CNCF.
One of the key milestones of this journey was the support for OpenShift. With the release of Runtime Fabric 2.0, it was announced the official support for Red Hat OpenShift. With that, Runtime Fabric can now be installed in all of these OpenShift options:
  • Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS (ROSA)
  • Microsoft Azure Red Hat OpenShift (ARO)
  • Red Hat OpenShift Dedicated
  • Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Cloud
  • Self-managed Red Hat OpenShift editions (Platform Plus, OCP, Kubernetes engine)

In the next series of posts, we'll see How to install and set up Runtime Fabric on an Openshift cluster. For that, we'll use a Red Hat Openshift Dedicated cluster installed on our AWS account. There are quite a few steps involved in the process so, to make it easy to follow, we've divided this series into the following posts:

Hope it helps!

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