Prepare your OpenShift cluster for the Runtime Fabric Installation

This is post number 3 on the series of How to Install Runtime Fabric on OpenShift Dedicated in AWS. In the previous posts:

In this post, we will setup the Access Control for our new cluster and install the Runtime Fabric Operator.

Setup Access Control for the Cluster

  • Once our cluster has been deployed we'll see, under the Clusters section our new cluster.

  • To start managing the cluster and proceed with the RTF installation we first need to create an Identity Provider and an admin user for the cluster.
  • Openshift supports a variety of identity providers for our cluster. For the purpose of this example, we’ll use the htpasswd, but be aware that for a production cluster it would be better to integrate with your own identity provider.
  • Click on the cluster name and then go to the Access control tab. Then click on Add Identity Provider and select htpasswd

  • Provide a name for the identity provider and create an admin user for your cluster. Click Add

  • Be aware that, with this identity provider option, you need to create all your users at once. After you create your first user, there’s no option to edit the identity provider users from the web console.
  • Next, get back to the Access control tab and click on Cluster Roles and Access and then Add user.

  • In the next window, type the user name we’ve just created in the previous step and select cluster-admins group.

  • Lastly, let’s verified we can access our cluster with the user we’ve just created. Back in the Clusters Page, click on the Open console button, on the top right corner

  • If everything went well you should now see the option of logging in with our htpasswd identity provider we created. Click on that and provide the credentials of the user we created.

  • If our user was created successfully we should now see the Cluster management console

Install the Runtime Fabric Operator

  • From the Custer management console of your cluster go to Operators > Operator Hub and search for Runtime Fabric

  • Click on the Runtime Fabric Operator tile and then click Install
  • In the next step choose the version of the operator and whether or not you want to install it under an existing namespace or create a new project. Click install- 

  • Wait for the operator to finish the installation. It shouldn’t take long

  • Once it’s finished you should get a confirmation message

  • If you click on View Operator you should see the operator details with the option of creating an instance (we’ll get back to this later)

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