Create an Openshift Dedicated Cluster in AWS

This is post number 2 on the series of How to Install Runtime Fabric on OpenShift Dedicated in AWS. In the first post, we went through the prerequisites we need to meet before installing anything. Now it's time to create the K8s cluster in our AWS account. For that, we'll go through the installation wizard within the Red Hat Hybrid Cloud Console. Let's see it step by step:

Step 1 - Billing Model

  • Next, select the Free trial option. Click Next

  • And then select Customer cloud subscription. Click Next

Step 2 - Cluster Settings

  • Provide a name for your cluster
  • Choose the region for your cluster and whether or not you want to make your cluster available in all the Availabilty Zones of the region
  • Click Next

  • Next select the instance type for the worker node of your cluster and the number of nodes you want to provision. Click Next

Step 3 - Networking

  • In this section we'll be able to set up different options
    • Cluster Privacy - Here, we’ll select Public if we’re planning to make our mule apps accessible from outside the VPC where the cluster will be installed. Select Private if all connections will remain private to that VPC.
    • In the VPC section, we'll provide the details for the VPC where the K8s will be installed. You can choose to use an existing VPC in your account or create a new one.
    • If we choose to create a new one we'll have to provide different CIDR blocks
      • The Machine CIDR will be the CIDR block for the VPC. That will be CIDR block used by the worker nodes of the K8s cluster
      • Service and Pod CIDR block are the two internal networks of a K8s cluster. Leave them as they are unless you’ve got a good reason to change them.
    • The rest of the options we can leave them as they are.

Step 4 - Cluster Updates

In this section, we've got the option of controlling how the updates for our cluster will be managed. We'll leave the default settings for now.

Step 5 - Review and Create

In the last step, make sure all the configuration provided is correct and proceed to Create cluster.

  • Grab a cup of coffee, It takes some time to create the cluster on AWS EC2 instances. Once the cluster is created, you’ll see in your AWS that the installer has created 1 VPC and 7 EC2 instances, 2 of which would be worker nodes while the remaining 5 would be to manage the control plane. 

  • Once our cluster has been deployed we'll see, under the Clusters section our new cluster.

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