The Mule Maven Plugin (MMP) is a Maven plugin developed by MuleSoft that allows us to manage, package, and deploy Mule applications using the Maven build automation tool. It simplifies the process of automating tasks related to Mule projects, such as building, deploying, and testing applications, by integrating with the Mule Runtime, either locally or remotely.
Benefits of using the Mule Maven Plugin
- Automation: Thanks to the MMP we can automate tedious manual tasks such as building, deploying, and testing Mule applications.
- Standardization: The MMP leverages Maven’s project standardization, ensuring that our Mule applications follow a consistent structure.
- Integration: We can use the MMPl with other build tools and CI/CD environments like Jenkins, GitLab, and Bamboo to automate our deployments.
Target Deployments
With the MMP, we can automate the deployment of our Mule apps to ALL the different Mule Target Deployments:- Mule Standalone
- Cloudhub 1,.0
- Cloudhub 2.0
- Runtime Fabric