How to Install Runtime Fabric as a K8s Operator

This is post number 4 on the series of How to Install Runtime Fabric on OpenShift Dedicated in AWS. In the first post, In the previous posts:

In this post, we'll finally install Runtime Fabric. We will:
  • Create the Runtime Fabric instance in Anypoint
  • Setup the Runtime Fabric Services in Openshift
  • Create the RTF instance in the Operator
Let's see these steps in detail:

Create the RTF instance

  • Head to Anypoint Platform control plane
  • Go to Runtime Manager > Runtime Fabrics and click on Create Runtime Fabric

  • Next, provide a name for your RTF cluster and choose the Openshift Container Platform installation type. Click Next

  • Click Accept in the Support responsibility message

  • You’ll see then the installation page for your RTF instance. Notice that we've already completed the first step in our previous post (Install the operator).

Setup the Runtime Fabric Services in Openshift

  • Get back to the Openshift Cluster management console. Click on your username, on the top right corner and select the Copy login command option

  • You’ll be prompted to log in again. Enter your credentials and you’ll see the Display Token link

  • Click on Display Token and you’ll se your token and the command to use to log in from the command line

  • Open a terminal and copy and paste your command to log in:
oc login --token=sha256~XXXXXXXXXXX --server=

Create a Namespace for Runtime Fabric services

  • Run the command
oc create ns rtf

Create a pull secret for the Runtime Fabric services

  • From the Runtime Fabric installation page in Anypoint copy the pull secret generated for this instance and replace the name of the namespace we’ve just created

    oc create secret docker-registry rtf-pull-secret --namespace rtf —docker-username=r7nHc1fe2a/us-east-1/b1227a8cc84e4a9899783f1fdc878a8c —docker-password=Ec749B34c44548B59d797B2180622a29

    Create the RTF instance in the Operator

    • Get back to the Red Hat Cluster Management control and go to Operators > Installed Operators. Change the Project to the rtf namespace we created earlier

    • Click on the Runtime Fabric Operator and then click on Create instance

    • In the Form view provide:
      • A descriptive name for your rtf instance
      • activationData - Copy it from the RTF installation page in Anypoint

    • Next provide your mule license Base64 encoded and select whether or not you’re planning to customize your Log4j configuration (for example to externalize logs). Click Create

    • Wait for a couple of minutes and then you should see your RTF cluster Active in your Runtime Fabrics list

    With that, we've got our Runtime Fabric instance running on an OpenShift Dedicated in AWS. How cool is that?

    Next, we'll set up our RTF instance to make it available and ready to deploy Mule apps. We'll see that in our next post of this series:

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