How to install and setup the RTFCTL command line tool

RTFCTL is the command line utility, provided by Mulesoft, to specifically manage your RTF instances from a terminal. The RTFCTL utility supports the following actions:

  • Get the status of a Runtime Fabric instance
  • Install Runtime Fabric instances
  • Perform a heap dump or a thread dump of a running application.
  • Display memory usage of a running application.
  • Manage proxy settings.
  • Manage secure properties.
  • Manage a Mule license.
  • Manage the alert sender email address.
We can install RTFCTL following these simple steps:

Download the RTFCTL binary

  • For Linux
curl -L -o rtfctl
  • For macOS
curl -L -o rtfctl

Change file permissions

  • We need to change the permissions for the RTFCTL file so that we can execute it
chmod +x rtfctl

Include it in the $PATH

  • To run it properly, the directory where the RTFCTL binary is located should be included in the PATH environment variable. For this, we've got two options:

Option 1 - Copy the binary to a directory in your PATH env variable. 

  • Run the following command to know what directories are defined in your PATH
echo $PATH
  • For example, we could move it to /usr/local/bin with the command
sudo mv rtfctl /usr/local/bin/rtfctl

Option 2 - Append the directory where you want to have RTFCTL to the PATH 

  • Run the following command

Test it

  • Lastly, verify RTFCTL is installed and accessible
rtfctl version
  • To obtain a list of available commands with RTFCTL you can run:
rtfctl -h

Setup RTFCTL to point to your K8s cluster

The RTFCTL tool uses kubeconfig files to configure which K8s cluster to manage. So, before you run any command with RTFCTL make sure you've got a valid kubeconfig file, and that the current context of that file is the cluster you want to manage. For more information on how to manage kubeconfig files have a look at this other post:

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