In our previous posts, we learnt how to install Elasticsearch and Kibana to be used for the observability of our Mule apps. But before we send any metrics or logs, there are a few previous configuration steps we need to do on our Elastic and Kibana instances.
We need to:
From the home page go to Stack Management
- Create an Index for the Mule Logs
- Create a Role and a User for our Mule Apps
- Test the Index and User
- Create a Data View in Kibana
- How to Install Elasticsearch and Kibana on Linux - Part I
- How to Install Elasticsearch and Kibana on Linux - Part II
- How to Install Elasticsearch on Docker
- How to Install Kibana on Docker
- Install Elasticsearch and Kibana with Docker Compose
Create an Index for the Mule Logs
An index in Elasticsearch is a data structure used to store and organize documents. It is analogous to a database in a traditional relational database management system (RDBMS). In Elasticsearch, the index is the highest-level entity under which all data is grouped and stored. In our case, for our Mule apps, we will create an index, which will be like the database where we store our logs.From the home page go to Stack Management
Next, from the left panel, go to Index Management and click on Create Index
Provide a descriptive name for the index. We’ll name it mule-logs
Alternatively, we can also create the index using the Elasticsearch REST API, sending the following request (in curl)
curl --request PUT 'http://[YOUR_SERVER]:9200/mule-logs' -u elastic:[YOUR_PASSWORD]
Create a Role and a User for our Mule Apps
Next, we will create a specific user to be used by our Mule Apps to connect to elasticsearch and ingest the logs. We don’t want to use the elastic superuser for this. As a best practice, we should use a user with the minimum permissions required to write ONLY to the index we’ve created. For that, we need to do it in two steps - first create a custom role with those permissions and second create a user and assign it to that custom roleCreate a Role
First we’ll create a custom role with permissions only to our dedicated index for the mule logs. From the home page go to Stack Management and then click on Roles from the left panel. Next, click on Create roleCreate Role page, provide a name and description to the new role. Then, select the index we’ve created for our mule logs and add read and write privileges
Create User
Go to Stack Management and then, under the Security section, click on Users from the left panel. Next, click on Create user.On the Create user page, provide a name and password for the user. Then, select the custom role we’ve created in the previous step in the Privileges/Roles dropdown. Click Create user
Create Role and User via REST API
Alternatively, we can create the Role and the User using the Elasticsearch REST API.- Create a Custom Role:
curl -X POST "http://localhost:9200/_security/role/[MULE_CUSTOM_ROLE]" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -u elastic:[YOUR_PASSWORD] -d '{
"indices": [
"names": [ "[MULE_LOGS_INDEX]" ], # Specify the index to apply this role
"privileges": [ "read", "write" ] # Grant read and write privileges
- Create a user and assign it the custom role
curl -X POST "http://localhost:9200/_security/user/[MULE_USER]" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -u elastic:[YOUR_PASSWORD] -d '{
"password" : "user_password",
"roles" : [ "MULE_CUSTOM_ROLE" ],
"full_name" : "Full Name of User",
"email" : "“
Test the Index and User
Let’s verify our new User works. From postman, let’s create a new entry for our mule-logs index. For that, send the following request:- Method: POST
- URL: https://[YOUR_SERVER]:9200/[MULE_LOGS_INDEX]/_doc
- Set up Basic Auth with the credentials of the user we’ve created
- In the body, add a valid json
"message": "It works!"
Try also to modify the username or the password and you’ll see you get an authentication error. That means our user/role we created is working.
Let’s now try to retrieve the entries of our mule logs index. For that, create a new Postman request:

Let’s now try to retrieve the entries of our mule logs index. For that, create a new Postman request:
- Method: GET
- URL: https://[YOUR_SERVER]:9200/[MULE_LOGS_INDEX]/_search?pretty
- Set up Basic Auth with the credentials of the user we’ve created
We should verify that there’s one hit, corresponding to the element we’ve just added.
Go to the menu button on the top left corner and click on Dashboards
Create a Data View in Kibana
Let’s now see the entries of our index in Kibana. For that we need to first create a Data View for our mule-logs index. This will be the Data view that we’ll use to see the logs coming from our Mule apps.Go to the menu button on the top left corner and click on Dashboards
Next click on Create data view. (If you don’t see this option, that’s very likely because you still don’t have any data in your Elasticsearch instance. Use the previous POST request in postman to create a test entry and get back)
Next, provide a name for this view and enter the name of the index we created for our mule logs in the Index pattern textbox. Click on Save data view to Kibana
Now, let’s see if we can see the content of our mule-logs index. Go to Analytics > Discover and you should see now the message we created from Postman
With that, we’re ready to send logs from our mule apps.
In the next post, we will see how to configure our Mule Apps to send logs to our Elastic instance.
In the next post, we will see how to configure our Mule Apps to send logs to our Elastic instance.