How to install JMeter on Linux

Apache JMeter
 is an open-source software tool designed for performance and load testing of applications. It is primarily used to test web applications, but it can also be used for testing a wide range of other services, including APIs, databases, and messaging services. For us, Mulesoft Architects and Developers, is a great option for testing our mule apps.

Why use JMeter with Mule?

Some examples of how we can test our mule apps with JMeter:
  • Simulate Traffic: We can simulate thousands of virtual users accessing our mule app to check how it handles concurrent traffic.
  • Load Testing: We can send multiple requests to REST or SOAP APIs and assess response times, error rates, and overall performance under different loads.
  • Stress Testing: We can push a mule app beyond its normal operational limits to determine its breaking point and how it behaves under extreme conditions.
  • Sizing: We can use JMeter to test different sizes and number of workers/replicas (for Cloudhub and RTF) and see what sizing perform best.
  • Spike Testing: We can simulate a sudden increase in load to observe how a mule app reacts to a short burst of high traffic.
  • Continuous Integration Testing: Our JMeter tests can be integrated into CI/CD tools like Jenkins to automate performance testing during application development.

How to install it

These are the steps we need to follow to install JMeter in Linux (Ubuntu):

Install Java

  • Verify if Java is installed. If it’s not we shouls the message Command java not found
java -version

  • Install the JRE
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install default-jre
  • Install JDK
sudo apt-get install default-jdk

Install JMeter

  • We’ll install the latest version. Current version is 5.6.3. Check out the latest version on here. To install it run the following commands:
tar -xvzf apache-jmeter-5.6.3.tgz

Add JMeter to the PATH

  • In order to run JMeter from any location we need to include the directory where the JMeter has been installed into the PATH environment variable. For that take note of the bin folder under your installation folder. For example:
export PATH=$PATH:/home/ubuntu/apache-jmeter-5.6.3/bin

Verify the Installation

Run the following command to verify JMeter has been installed successfully
jmeter -v

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