is the command-line tool specifically designed to simplify
the creation and management of clusters in Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service
(EKS). It provides a simple, declarative way to create and manage EKS clusters
and the associated infrastructure, leveraging AWS CloudFormation under the
To install it (in Linux) we need to follow these steps:
- Download
curl --silent --location "https://github.com/weaveworks/eksctl/releases/latest/download/eksctl_$(uname -s)_amd64.tar.gz" | tar xz -C /tmp
- To run it properly, the directory where the eksctl binary is located should be included in the PATH environment variable. For this, we've got two options:
Option 1 - Copy the binary to a directory in your PATH env variable.
- Run the following command to know what directories are defined in your PATH
echo $PATH
- For example, we could move it to /usr/local/bin with the command
sudo mv /tmp/eksctl /usr/local/bin/eksctl
Option 2 - Append the directory where you want to have kubectl to the PATH
- Run the following command
Get the version of
to verify the installation was successful:
eksctl version
How to use the eksctl tool
Here's a brief list of things that you can do with eksctl:
- Create , Delete , get list of clusters
- create, drain and delete node groups
- scale a node group
- Update a cluster
- use custom AMI’s
- Configure VPC Networking
- Configure Access to VPC Endpoints
- Support for GPU node groups
- Spot instances and mixed instances
- List of cluster cloudformation Stacks
- Install Core DNS
- Write Kubeconfig file for cluster
In this web site you'll find all you need to know to use the eksctl tool.